"Excellent cast — skilled actors who run like the wind with this play."
"I was immediately caught up in this play."
"Action moves seamlessly from place to place, allowing the narrative to unfold realistically with - considerable panache and style."
"As Rosie, CHRISTINA ELISE PERRY is electric."
"a strong female presence that has been eloquently encouraged by the subtlety of Mr. Zayas’ direction"
"PETE MATTALIANO as Simms who deserves more space than I can give him here. Suffice to say that his extraordinary sense of humor illuminates every word and gesture."
- Jan Ewing, Hi!Drama
"makes you think”/mysterious gem."
"meaningful, excellent"
- AndyBSports
"a blowtorch turn by Kirk Gostkowski"
"sharp and funny [Elizabeth Bays]"
"a riotous and dangerous turn by Pete Mattaliano"
“David Zayas Jr. directs with precision and pizzazz!”
“Shepard’s ...plays still have plenty to say, and can entertain mightily while they “say it.”
- Jon Sobel, Blog Critics
"Amazing cast illuminates every moment ... keeping the audience fully engaged, leaning into the action, and waiting to see what will happen next."
"Kirk Gostkowski plays this scene with unwavering conviction and physical mastery."
- Domenick Danza, MoreThanthePlay
"Thrilling Production!"
"Hughes keeps the audience on the edge of their seats."
- Katrina Carlyle, BeautyNewsNYC
Chain Theatre is a registered not for profit 501(c)3 organization. Our income relies on being able to use our space and gathering, which the pandemic made impossible. We are excited for our reopening and our journey to recovery. If you are able to support us during this difficult time, any help is greatly needed and appreciated.
Tax deductible donations can be made here.
Rent Our Space
humpty dumpty
4/3/25 - 5/3/25
About us
The Chain Theatre is a production company whose goal is to create artistic work that is accessible, relatable, and invokes a visceral response in the audience through the mediums of theatre and film.
“Entertaining, unexpected and masterful! Immersive theatre!”
The Public Reviews
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Chain Theatre’s Programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Thank you to IndieSpace for helping us find our new home.
IndieSpace, permanent space for indie artists