Please read carefully before filling out your application.
Plays are chosen for the Chain Play Festival based on originality, inspiration, and innovation. The background or experience of the playwright is taken into consideration, but submissions will be judged on the quality of the play. All themes or genres are welcome. Full Length Play runtime must be shorter than 2 hours. One Act Play runtime must be no shorter than 10 minutes and no longer than 1 hour. Shows will be performed in person for a vaccinated audience.
Every show will have the ability to LIVE STREAM for at least one performance.
Chain Theatre is curating the event, not producing it - each production is responsible for staffing their own director, design team and cast.
All shows must be Non-Union. We plan on streaming performances.
You will assign a contact person for the piece; that person will be considered your play’s producer should it be part of the Festival.
Though we will be doing overall festival promotion, you are responsible for the marketing of your piece.
All members of your production team and cast must be vaccinated to participate. We will need proof of vaccination at the organizational meeting should you be accepted into the festival. Preferred proof of vaccination will be through the New York State Excelsior app available on your phone.
For further information of current COVID protocols at the Chain Theatre please visit:
The deadline for submitting to the 2022 Chain Play Festival will be May 22, 2022. There are no submission or participation fees for the Chain Play Festival. Applications may be downloaded from our website. Complete the following application and you will be directed to information on submitting your play.
After completing the application form you will need to email a PDF (no Word, Pages, or Final Draft files, please!) of the script, and a brief cover letter explaining your goals for the play.
Applications ask for a contact name, address, phone, and email. Show contacts will be the one contact point between Chain Theatre and your production. The email given will be the sole email address that Chain Theatre will use to contact you regarding acceptance, any issues regarding participation, and festival communications.
We will need an estimated running time of your piece that will be factored into the programming. As such, we will enforce this time limit. If during your dress rehearsal or performance the play runs significantly over, we may insist that you revise or forfeit your participation in the festival and any ticket split revenue.
Applications that are not complete will not be accepted. No materials will be returned.
Notification of acceptance status will be sent by email on or about May 28, 2022.
There will only be a maximum of 4 Full length shows included in this festival. One Act Plays will have an easier time getting accepted.
If you are accepted into the festival, your email will inform you of the time and location of the organizational meeting to be held on May 31, 2022. IT IS REQUIRED AND MANDATORY THAT SOMEONE REPRESENTING YOUR SHOW BE AT THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING. This meeting is where you will receive your performance schedule and meet your fellow participants. If there are known conflicts to your scheduled performances, this is a great opportunity to work out alternate dates with Chain Theatre and your fellow participants. The most complex scheduling issues are much more easily solved talking face-to face with everyone in the room.
Everyone must be vaccinated. There will be no exceptions for any reason. All Chain staff on site will be vaccinated as well.
Each accepted ONE ACT show will be given 5 free hours, FULL LENGTH shows will be given 10 free hours of rehearsal space at one of the Chain Theatre rehearsal rooms. Availability and scheduling of these hours is at the Chain Theatre’s discretion. They must be used to rehearse the show in the festival and cannot be gifted, sold or used for other purposes. Additional rehearsal hours/locations are the production’s responsibility. If you choose to rehearse at one of the Chain Rehearsal studios you can book subsidized rehearsal space for this production for $10 an hour.
Each accepted show will receive a code for ticket tracking. Each show will receive 20% of the net box office for every ticket purchased using their code. (Code use for online sales is mandatory to receive this box office split. No exceptions.)
The precise number of shows is TBD, based on number of submissions and running lengths. Each One Act show will be guaranteed at least three performances and each Full length show will be guaranteed 4 performances with a possible one show extension. However, depending on the schedule there may be more. Performance blocks will be at 7 and 9pm during the week and will run throughout the weekend between 12-9pm.
There will be limited time between shows for changeovers. Keep in mind that when you are striking or setting up your show, another show is also likely striking or setting up. Minimalism rules. PLEASE FACTOR THIS TIME INTO YOUR TECHNICAL PLANS. Houses will be opened 5 minutes before the start time and will start promptly.
In person voting will be collected by paper ballot provided on site.
Chain Theatre handles all aspects of ticketing and box office. Tickets will be $20.
You will need to keep the technical requirements of your show very simple. The Chain is equipped with a full light board and sound system, however the board will be shared by several shows and we will maintain a standard rep lighting plot. Keep light and sound cues as simple as possible. No show will be able to refocus lights. Each company will have only one cue-to-cue technical rehearsal in the venue which will be run by a Chain Theatre hired PSM. Storage space/dressing room space is also limited and will be shared by all shows. You will be given a small, unlocked area to store your props, set pieces, and costumes, which must be completely cleared at the conclusion of your performances.
Any additional equipment your show requires should be listed on your application and approved by Chain Theatre. Chain Theatre has the right to disqualify any shows that bring in unapproved technical elements. If approved, this equipment will be provided for your show by you. Chain Theatre assumes no liability for this equipment; it is your responsibility.
Chain Theatre will publicize the festival and coordinate overall press relations, including interviews and critic attendance. You may be asked to submit publicity photos and PR materials. You are also responsible for publicizing your own show through your own press releases, mailers, handbills, busking and/or posters. Should a critic accept your invitation to see a performance, this information must be forwarded to Chain Theatre so we may coordinate this. Chain Theatre will provide a blanket press kit to help all shows promote.
If you are accepted to the Chain One Act Festival, part of our agreement prohibits the performance of your show anywhere in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut any time from acceptance into the festival through December 2022. Please keep this restriction in mind when accepting other invitations to perform your show during these months, particularly before you have received acceptance status notification from Chain Theatre.
1. Choose your show.
2. COMPLETELY fill out the application form.
3. REVIEW your completed application to make sure it is complete and correct.
4. Ensure that the PDFs of your script and cover letter are included in your submission email.
Please do not send under separate cover. If there are technical issues, contact us at to discuss them.
5. Include the title of your show in the subject line of the email and on all relevant materials.
Should they become separated, this is how we will reunite them.
If you still have questions, we are available to help you in advance of the deadline at You may want to print and keep or bookmark these instructions and your original application for your reference.